Find your Inner Happiness on Cloud Nine
Have you ever wondered WHY eating chocolate cookies always makes you feel like you're on Cloud Nine? We definitely have! We went down the rabbit hole to find out the answer to this ultimate question.
We thought it would be as simple as "chocolate tastes good, that's why it makes us happy." But no, it's not that simple. According to some very clever scientists, there are a bunch of components in chocolate that can give us the “warm and fuzzies”.
One of these components is called tryptophan, which helps our brain make serotonin. And serotonin is the thing that makes us feel like we're walking on sunshine. There's also Phenylethlalanine, which makes us feel like we're in love - very alert, with your heart rate up, and highly motivated. It's like a natural antidepressant. Theobromine is another component that's a real chill pill, perfect for those times when we're feeling stressed.
But there's more to it than just the sciencey stuff. Chocolate itself has long been marketed as a cure-all for a broken heart. We've all seen the movies where the girl eats a tub of chocolate ice cream after a breakup, right? So, this idea has been drilled into our brains that chocolate makes everything better.
And let's not forget the sugar. Oh, sweet sugar. Our taste buds go crazy for it, sending pleasure signals to our brains. And who doesn't love feeling pleasure? It's like a party in our mouths!
So, the next time you're munching on some chocolate cookies, remember all the brain science that's making you feel like you're in heaven. It might just change the way you look at our chocolate cookies forever. But hey, we're just glad that we're making something that brings so much joy to people.